[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”THE BIBLE SOCIETY OF MYANMAR”]

You are warmly welcome to our website. The Bible ministry in Myanmar started 128 years ago by British and Foreign Bible Society as one of its agencies. Amidst of different obstacles, uncertainties and limitations in the country, today, the Bible Society stands firmly in making God’s Word available to the people of Myanmar. To God be the glory for His divine provision and protection.
The population of Myanmar is estimated to be 52 million, of which about 6.3% are Christians. There are more than 135 sub-races and language groups recognized by the government. Among them, 75 different languages have received either the whole Bible or New Testament or portion of the Bible.
You are invited to explore our current Bible ministry in Myanmar. It is our sincere prayer and hope that these pages will bridge between you and our current ministry for the purpose of sharing God’s Word to different ethnic groups in Myanmar. Together, we can make differences.

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[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”The need is indeed.”]

After more than a decade of mission work, the ALATCHAUNG BAPTIST CHURCH was established in 2010, and now there are more than 1600 baptized members.” said Rev Dr Herbert Tum Ceu (Doctorate in Global Mission) the Director of United in Myanmar Mission. ALATCHAUNG is just 30 minutes travel away from Yangon, across the river. There are baptismal service every Sunday, 4 ladies got baptized yesterday. I personally participated and preached to the congregation on John 14:6. After the service, some Bible copies were distributed. I was told that only half of the members have Bible for their own. One woman came and told me, “Thank you pastor for giving me a copy of the Bible.” Then I asked how many Bibles do they have in their family, she replied, “Only one for 6 of us. Now we have 2. But the other one is very old and torn here and there. I have been using the old Bible since 2008, when I was converted. I always read morning and night every day and it is really getting dirty and torn, we read in turn among the family”.

[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”Bible Day 2019.”]

Every year in the third week of August, every church deems and celebrates Bible Day. The Scripture is meditated through activities such as Singing Contest, Bible Verse Recitation, Preaching, and Exhibition.
The objectives of the Bible Day are
(1) to give thanks for the Scripture
(2) to pray for those who have not possessed the Bible
(3) to witness the living power of the Bible
(4) to share the living Word
(5) and to contribute and pray for the Bible ministries.
The Bible Society’s theme for 2019 is “GOD’S WORD FOR NEXT GENERATION“. The living power of the Bible can help the young generation
(1) to break through the evils and build up a fruitful life (Jeremiah 1:4-10)
(2) to pursue more advanced wisdom than enemies, peers, and older generations (Psalms 119:97-105)
(3) to be polite and prosperous (1 Timothy 4:12-16).

Subsequently, the Kingdom of God shall come and the ministries will be competent. Through the Bible Day, we wish everyone would observe everyday as Bible Day.

May God bless you.

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[slz_main_title align=”center” extra_title=”MOMENTS” title=”BEST” title_color=”#ffffff”][slz_isotope style=”style-9″ list_category_gallery=”%5B%7B%7D%5D” tab_filter_color=”#ffffff” tab_filter_color_active=”#f13e4b”]
[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”CHO BIBLE TRANSLATOR”]

is a first generation Christian, full time Christian minister (Pastor) for more than 40 years and main translator of CHO BIBLE. The CHO HOLY BIBLE translation project has been completed and targeted to be launched in March 2019.
Rev OM is excited to see the CHO Bible in his life time after many years of hard work and prayerful commitment.

[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”Testimony”]


The Ngawn Chin people are one of the dialects of Chin ethnic group live in the west of Myanmar and 98.00% are Christian.

The Ngawn Chin NT was released in 2005. Old Testment translation project started in January 2009 and the estimated end date is December 2015

The translator and coordinator Rev Hau Lian Sang (The picture is Rev Hau Lian Sang’s family and with me in the middle) said:

“Bible Trawnslation is really a special blessing for Ngawn people, it unites all the denominations. Every village requested that translation review meeting should be held in their respective villages in turn. We had to go from one village to another. My people consider this reviewers checking as the ARK of Old Testament. They wanted to host the team.”

He went on to say: “One morning an old widow came to me with a cup of milk and said, ‘Please drink this milk, right now and here, so that I know you really drink  what I offer. This is how I can help, I really want to see Ngawn Bible before I die.

The coordinator Rev Hau Lian Sang is keeping all the draft files both hand written and print out of Ngawn Old Testament Translation. To my surprise Hau Lian Sang once told me, WE’VE GOT THE BIBLE  I replied, “What! We haven’t checked all the books yet”.

He said: “Whenever we have problem between me and my wife, we both would go the room and read the draft, then all problem solved. Just by reading the draft, my family is experiencing series of miracles already. Whenever my children got sickness for instaance fever, me and my wife hold the Bible translation draft and they got healed. That’s why I say “We have already got the Bible”. I am nothing but God gives me this wonderful experience: 1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am ….”

[slz_main_title align=”center” title=”CAP Workshop”]

BRIAN RENES: the UBS ParaTExt expert was with different translators of the Bible Society of Myanmar during 13-20 October, 2018. He met with the Bible Society translation staff, Khongso, Asang Khongso, Likhy, Ngawn, Lutuv, Zaiwa, Zyphe, Pao, Khumi, Geba translators. Thanks you so much Brian and may God bless you.

PARATEXT is a Computer program for Bible Translation jointly developed by SIL and UBS. This program helps the translated Bible texts to convert into any digital publication, typesetting for printing and electronic archive.

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September 2024